I’m Ready to Take Control of My Life

EN Narconon Graduate

“Before Narconon, I lived life seeking approval from others. Living to be liked by others, saying things because it was what others wanted to hear and even setting future goals based off my family’s wants.

I learned this wasn’t right and that I needed to start living my life the way I wanted—to make my own personal goals and not worry about others’ approval. I feel better after doing the one on one counseling and from here on out I will be in control of my life instead of being the effect of others. I know things will go a lot better now that I have learned this.

I really enjoyed the Narconon New Life Program. The staff were great and treated me like a person and not just a number. From the sauna detox to the one on one counseling, I learned a lot. My head feels clear now and I’m ready to take on life and take control. I feel confident in myself and I am totally ready for what comes next.

—EN Narconon Graduate