Free at Last

C.C., Narconon Graduate
C.C., Narconon Graduate

When I arrived at Narconon, I was unsure of what to expect. I hoped I was going to get the new life I wanted because I believed the program was different. It did not seem like the other programs I had been to—one that attempted to get you sober but also left you identifying as an addict for the rest of your life. My hope was for lifelong freedom.

Right from the start of withdrawal, the staff was welcoming and friendly and provided help whenever I asked. The students were also supportive of me and encouraging. In the first couple of days, I struggled with emotions of all sorts, as well as blame, judgment and regrets. However, as I progressed, I received help from the staff that not only brought me into the present moment, they helped me to relax my mind and begin to get in control. I also did physical exercises to help with my pain and found the withdrawal unit provided me with far more than the usual detox period. After withdrawal, I moved on to the sauna portion of the program.

I began the sauna program intending to invest 100% of my focus and effort into the program. Being on time, taking all of my vitamins, running for 30 minutes, and proper sleep were all a part of my daily routine. My sauna experience was productive. I experienced a range of emotions, from anger to sadness and even excitement. There were times I experienced moments of old trauma and pain, moments of clarity, and times where I even had spiritual peace. This program really challenged me to stay diligent in my daily habits, so much so it gave me a fitness routine to carry forward into my life. I felt supported the entire time by all the staff who helped me through sauna. I truly appreciated that. To me, the end result is feeling healthier and stronger physically than I have since high school, maybe ever. I could move on from some trauma in my past and learn more about myself which really helped me move forward. From start to finish, the Narconon program challenged me to be patient, present, and communicate well. It has challenged me to be more social and to be myself without fear of judgment or rejection.

“Today I know I do not need chemical help to be okay. I have tools now and know how to use them in my daily life.”

Today I know I do not need chemical help to be okay. I have tools now and know how to use them in my daily life. I put great effort into all phases of this program. The staff supported me from day one all the way through. I know this program works. It got me to where I needed to be.

The Narconon program helped me get sober for life. I have more patience, better communication, a clear mind, a healthy body, and I can line in the present moment. I have so much hope for the future with my wife and kids!

Thank you, Narconon!

C.C., Narconon Graduate



Aaron has been writing drug education articles and documenting the success of the Narconon program for over two years.